DataJi data cleansing ensures that your data is 200% accurate, consistent, and up to date.
If you find any inaccurate data in the data we have cleansed, then we replace those with twice the number of records.
Data quality is not an option; it’s a necessity. Data cleansing ensures that your data is accurate and actionable.
– Thomas H. Davenport
B2B contact data cleansing is an essential process for ensuring the accuracy, completeness, and reliability of data. The quality of data degrades over a surprisingly short period of time. Average annual employee turnover rate (voluntary/involuntary/retirement) ranges from 16% to 31% (source : depending on the industry.
Data is the new oil. Valuable and essential for businesses but data is worse than useless if not refined. Using inaccurate data in marketing campaigns can be catastrophic for organisations in business reputation, domain reputation, compliance, morale, marketing spend and low conversions.
Data cleansing is essential to comply with regulations such as GDPR and CCPA, which require companies to handle B2B contact data responsibly and ensure its accuracy. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in penalties and damage to the company’s reputation.
Another benefit of data cleansing is cost reduction in marketing campaigns. Duplicate and inconsistent data can lead to unnecessary marketing expenses and time. By eliminating duplicates and ensuring data consistency, organizations can save significant amounts of money and allocate resources more efficiently.
By utilizing a combination of our proprietary manual processes and AI technology, we conduct a thorough verification and validation of every data attribute associated with your B2B contacts. This meticulous approach guarantees that the resulting data is not only accurate but also quickly actionable, allowing you to achieve a high return on investment.
By utilizing DataJi data maintenance processes, existing data-entry errors, punctuation, duplication, and inconsistencies in data cell formatting are eliminated.
The database should be organised. DataJi’s data scientists will ensure your database is ‘relational’, ‘normalised’ and, in plain language: useable.
Data is a highly valuable asset for businesses, therefore it is crucial to maintain it in the best possible state. Frequent updates to information result in data degradation. At DataJi, we specialize in cleaning and removing duplicates from your data to guarantee enduring quality.
DataJi data cleansing ensures that your data is 200% accurate, consistent, and up to date. If you find any inaccurate data in the data we have cleansed, then we replace those with twice the number of records.
Quality Audit
We provide a personalized report detailing how your existing data can be enhanced.
Total Deduplication
Our data management solutions provide accurate detection and elimination of duplicate entries in both single and multiple files.
Eliminate Invalid Data
We refresh records with outdated information, such as office relocations, phone number changes, or deceased individuals, and perform TPS, CTPS, and MPS verifications.
Enrich Existing Records
We can enrich your records with valuable information such as demographics, wealth indicators, industry details, and employee size for B2B data.
London:+44 (0) 207 660 4243
New York:+1 (0) 315 400 2402
75 Shelton Street,
Covent Garden,
London, WC2H 9JQ